Beyond the "Stoner" Stereotypes:
Welcome to the new era of cannabis consumption! Gone are the days of outdated stereotypes of "potheads" or lazy stoners. Today's cannabis consumers have a different perspective on marijuana, and they are eager to challenge the misconceptions that surround it.

A recent poll conducted by Miner & Co. Studio sheds light on the changing perception of cannabis among consumers. The poll reached out to 800 participants, and the results were eye-opening. A whopping 90 percent of respondents stated that they consider marijuana as part of their "wellness program," akin to dieting, exercise, or yoga. It's no longer seen as a vice, but rather as a tool for enhancing their overall well-being.
In fact, today's cannabis consumers are not looking to escape from reality or avoid responsibilities. Around 95 percent of respondents stated that they use cannabis to enjoy aspects of everyday life, not to avoid them. This is particularly relevant as 42 percent of consumers reported having kids under 18 years old, indicating that they prioritize responsible cannabis use while being active parents.

Furthermore, cannabis consumption does not hinder their professional lives either. A significant 84 percent of respondents reported having full-time jobs that contribute to an average household income of approximately $75,000. This challenges the notion that cannabis use is incompatible with productivity or success in the workplace.
What's more, today's cannabis consumers do not identify with outdated stereotypes of the past.
A striking 88 percent of respondents considered themselves part of a new cannabis culture that is distinct from the old stoner stereotypes. This highlights the need for media and politicians to update their representation of cannabis consumers and refrain from perpetuating negative stereotypes or making cheesy weed jokes.
For today's cannabis consumers, marijuana is not just a recreational drug, but a tool for wellness and self-care. They see themselves as healthy, active, and engaged members of society who are responsible in their cannabis use. This shift in perception challenges the outdated views on cannabis and calls for a more nuanced understanding of its role in modern society.

As the cannabis landscape continues to evolve and more states and countries move towards legalization, it's crucial to recognize the changing attitudes of cannabis consumers.
It's time to move beyond the stereotypes and embrace the reality of cannabis as a part of many people's wellness regimens.
It's time for a more accurate and informed understanding of this plant and its consumers.
Interesting note: Here's a few people that have admitted to "smoking a little grass".
(Barack Obama, Oprah Winfrey, Elon Musk, Morgan Freeman, Maya Angelou)
Do you see a shift change in how smokers are regarded?
Do you use cannabis as a part of your overall wellness?
Blog by @CryptoRick423 🎸